Humanitarian Effort for the Rich: Hollywood's Humanizing Project
When I watch movies, I tend to watch independents. Sometimes I'll watch the Hollywood independents, if it looks like they're only going to modestly apply structuralism. I like to think I'm savvy. I don't want to feel like I'm a monkey watching for bananas, which Hollywood has turned into a science. If you don't know how structuralism has put your brain on repeat for the last five decades, hit me up on the comments below and I'll explain. This post is for Hollywood's newest charity: Save the Rich!I've noticed this trend for quite some time. Hollywood likes to showcase the uber-wealthy as their protagonists.So my sons came back from Wal-Mart with the movie San Andreas. It stars Dewayne Johnson, otherwise known as The Roc. I'm not prone to watching these big Hollywood productions, but my sons were excited to watch the movie and it was entertaining enough. I watched to the end. I thought I was going to predict a few things and it was nice to find out I was wrong. I'm so overly focused on structuralism that sometimes I miss the connections.Then there was the hyper masculine motif that could not be balanced by vain attempts to masculinize one female character. Ultimately, it was a damsel in distress production. Nothing new there.
What stood out to me most was all the poor people running around the collapsing cities, and for some reason none of those impoverished people could lead in this storyline. They had to make the main characters uber-wealthy, with jet setting and mansion living. They dined in high rise buildings and took first class airplane trips to volleyball games. These were seven figure folks. And as they ran past all those poor people in the cities (the ones who got crushed by buildings and water), I kept trying my hardest to empathize for these uppity rich people as they tried to escape with their lives. Because somehow their lives were so much more important than the lives of the average people who were trying to escape the same natural disaster. So much more important than our lives that the cameras were trained on them.So Hollywood wants you to feel sorry for the rich. Why would they be humanizing a small group of people who exploits everyone else on the planet? I'm sorry. I'm not trying to be callous. But why do the rich get this privileged treatment, while impoverished people are constantly demonized and dehumanized by news and popular media.Lucky, for my sons, they have a father who can teach them how to see through the veil. Is it just me? Or have you also noticed all the hyper wealthy characters on these movies? It seems like every movie has some type of rich person as the lead or emotionally connected to the lead person. It is so blatant it makes me wonder why Hollywood is working so hard to humanize this select group of people.
Support a Native owned Etsy shop, Allies United, where I offer unique merch for allies of social justice movements, like MMIW, Native Lives Matter and Black Lives Matter. Take a look inside my Etsy shop here: etsy.com/shop/AlliesUnited.
Struggling Artists Unite!
So I'm about to rant. I know...you're saying to yourself, "Oscar, you always rant." But this is going to be a special kind of rant. I'm going to unburden myself with all the reasons why artists need to be supported. In every way, emotionally and financially. We don't live in an age of benefactors! If artists are going to be the voice for the under-heard and disadvantaged, then we need fuel for the fire, we need people surrounding us and giving us the energy to keep fighting.So first off, if you want me to give you a freebee then come at me with a genuine curiosity about my literature. I'm happy to share under those circumstances and have emailed free copies of my stories to many of my followers on this blog. Because many of my followers are artists themselves and understand where I'm coming from. I support them as much as they support me. It's called reciprocity. But don't come at me like a privileged little shit and expect me to give you a freebee because you're an over righteous douche bag. Don't approach me like I've violated you because I've attached a meager 99 cent price tag on a short story. I'm sorry you have to walk all the way to your car in the driveway and dig out 99 cents from your console.Second, I went to college for six years to obtain the degrees I hang on my walls, to write provocative stories that are meant to help you grow as a human being as much as entertain you with my tribal culture. I'm not an ethnographer. I'm an artist. I'm not here to get rich, but it'd be nice to eat more than just ramen noodle soup sometimes. I'm sure my kids would appreciate that as well. I'm not working out of a multi-millionaire's purse. I don't have a benefactor paying my bills. I work fulltime. I'm a fulltime, single father. And I write fiction. My drive to realize the benevolence of this literary profession is the reason I write. I believe in the literary field's ability to transform people to better understand each other, like I believe in America's will to give people the freedom to figure out how to live cohesively. All of that faith and effort takes time and energy.Lastly, if there is any spirit left in this mass consumption society, we, the artists, possess it, and remind you with every word and every painting and every sculpture that you too have spirit and you need to go seek it out and find it. There is a reason people are drawn toward literature, paintings, sculptures, music, etc., etc. When you hear that song, when the words in a story make you pause, when a painting makes your mind quickly move from confusion to problem solving it's complexity, you are remembering your own spirit and connecting to your own spirit. Once you have that feeling you want to find it again. We, the artists, give you opportunity to engage with your own spirit.So please don't come at me like I'm a brutish millionaire sucking the pennies from your pocket. I've somehow, through symbolism, packaged a piece of my spirit for you to consume.
Support a Native owned Etsy shop, Allies United, where I offer unique merch for allies of social justice movements, like MMIW, Native Lives Matter and Black Lives Matter. Take a look inside my Etsy shop here: etsy.com/shop/AlliesUnited.